Personal Finance | Money Management

Personal Finance | Money Management

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Using Annuities to Make Your Retirement Funds Last

Using Annuities to Make Your Retirement Funds Last

The conundrum of retirement finances is constantly on the vex those arranging a future with little steady income. In case you acquire too small a sum every year, you will have lived more frugally than necessary. In case you withdraw too much money, you might exhaust your funds.
Have you thought about securing your retirement future using annuities to create your funds last?

Listed below are a number of annuity options that may help you extend the life span of the retirement funds:

One. Life income option. This annuity option guarantees your earnings through the associated with your daily life, regardless how long you reside! Essentially, you're going to go out of money so long as the organization issuing the annuity is within business.
  • Your earnings is determined by your actual age when you begin the payout phase to get benefits, and just how much you invest into  the annuity. Talk to your insurance professional to get a proposal.
  • Although you will have the reassurance knowing body-fat  go out of money, remember that in case you die soon within the payout phase, the issuing company retains the remainder of the funds, per your contract.
Second.  Life option having a guaranteed term. With this particular annuity option, it really is guaranteed that the benefit is going to be covered a minimum of some time, for example 10 or 15 years. Your beneficiary will still receive funds for your remainder from the term should you die prior to the term ends.
3. Single premium immediate option. You buy this kind of annuity having a single premium payment and begin the payout phase immediately. Quite simply, whenever you retire, you are able to withdraw a portion of your savings and buy an annuity with one large payment.
  • What's interesting concerning this single premium option is the fact that in case you also choose the life income option during the time you paid your single premium. You can start receiving annuity payments immediately, that will still spend throughout your daily life!
4. Return of principal guarantee option. This kind of annuity guarantees you or your beneficiary the return to the principal. A really remarkable option, this implies that regardless how much money, you paid within your annuity with time. That principal will absolutely be paid to either you or your beneficiary.
  • Again, you are able to combine this kind of annuity having a life income option. Then, in case you die before receiving back your whole principal, your beneficiary is going to be paid the total amount to the principal.
5. Joint-life option. This annuity is placed as much as consider  both, you as well as your spouse's life expectancies. Thus, the total amount you'll receive is going to be under whatever you receive within the regular life option (see #1). Still in case you die, your annuity funds would pass straight to your partner.
  • Some annuity policies even permit the beneficiary to keep placing money into  the annuity, thus building the exact amount to supply additional retirement funding later. Consequently, these annuity funds can last so long as your beneficiary chooses.
6. Term certain option. This kind of annuity allows you to specify the phrase you would like to receive funds. You may wish to receive your annuity spread over 15 years and even 30 years. The benefit of choosing a longer time period or "term" to become paid is the fact that you're stretching your retirement dollars to keep going longer.
  • An additional of the term certain annuity is the fact that in case you die early within the payment term (let's say you die the 5th year of the 20-year payout term). Your beneficiary will get the remaining 15 many years of funds.
Which includes forethought and planning, you are able to set up an annuity to help you in stretching your retirement dollars throughout your daily life.

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Sunday, 17 June 2012

Money Management: What Is A Bank Account For?

What Is A Bank Account For

It's traditional for bankers and their customers to think about banking as centered on the bank account. Even policy makers talk about "banking the unbanked" as if opening a bank account immediately changes a person from financially excluded to included. The bank account is the top line indicator examined by the Global Findex, the new survey of financial access by 150,000 adults from over 148 countries. The finding that 43 percent of adults in the developing world have bank accounts have quickly become the reference point for financial inclusion.

bank account

Money Management: What's a Bank Account For?

"I learned that keeping track of the bank balance was like the personal hygiene of finance, like brushing your financial teeth. The implicit message, not just for me, but I think for society at large, was that the bank account was the locus of money ..."

I am finally left with a question I do not know how to answer, but it is a question that should occupy anyone working on financial inclusion. If we want to assist people in their efforts to be competent money managers, what is the best mix of services? I would welcome your thoughts.

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Thursday, 7 June 2012

Motif Investing Wants to Be Peter Lynch for the Facebook Age

Motif Investing

Motif Investing Wants to Be Peter Lynch for the Facebook Age

"Cobbling together an investment portfolio on your own from stock-trading accounts can be pricey and research intensive, and a personal money manager is beyond the reach of many people. “Now more than ever, [investors] need a simple and intuitive way to ..."